Thanks for sharing your stories and photos from this brief but beautiful trip! I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to have the Camino so close to home. Coming from New Mexico in the US, it takes 13 hours of flight time, including one layover, to get to Madrid.

I hope you are having a marvelous time on the Camino del Norte!

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Thank you Virginia! Yes, we are very lucky to have the Camino so close by. We have been walking with some friends from Australia who have travelled 36 hours to do this, where for us it took just two hours to get here! We are very grateful for that! (But then when we visit your beautiful country we are always envious that you have so much on your doorstep too!) x

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Fascinating! I'm looking forward to exploring everything you mentioned and watching the video!

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We will definitely be heading back to walk the whole Camino in the future! But we're enjoying the Norte right now and will be sharing more about that soon Victoria!

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